What you Missed: MYOB Acumatica + Real-Time Insights

MYOB Acumatica User Groups
- September 2021 -

The final sessions of the MYOB Acumatica User Groups for 2021 were packed full of useful content. With an extended panel of guest speakers, we explored how leveraging Real-Time Insights from MYOB Acumatica could lead to increased efficiency, and the ability to quickly make informed decisions.

The Connected Business and Real-Time Insights

A Connected Business creates meaningful connections between its systems, data, and people. When staff, systems, customers, suppliers, and partners are networked intelligently, information exchange occurs at the moments that matter. These connections drive new levels of productivity, efficiency, innovation, and insights that can support you to do better business today and build sustainable growth for tomorrow.

Connected Businesses will elevate the value exchanged within each interaction. They will empower staff to contribute to higher value activities, provide better experiences to their customers, and transform supplier relationships into strategic partnerships.

Real-Time Insights is about more than just capturing data. Your organisation also needs to be able to extract, action, and interpret that information in a timely manner. This is specific to each company’s needs. For example, a manufacturing company might need to better understand their production process, costs, and inventory levels. Whereas a services organisation might need a specific focus on the client experience. Harnessing and taking actions based on this information is what Real-Time Insights is all about. These insights can give you an understanding of where your industry is moving and how you can position your organisation to build competitive advantage and stay ahead of the pack.

How to leverage Real-Time Insights in MYOB Acumatica

As organisations like yours become more complex, greater importance must be placed on analysing data in a timely manner. Monitoring the operations of your business can be difficult. Getting timely information into the hands of people who need it, can be a competitive advantage. In MYOB Acumatica, the power of General Inquiries (GI) is the key to unlocking Real-Time Insights. GIs form the building blocks of your dashboards screen, calculating and feeding your data automatically into a visual format. These GIs allow you to drill directly into your live information, filtering your data so that the most relevant information is visible when you need it. Side Panels can be added to GI screens, linking to a separate Generic Inquiry. This saves time clicking between different GIs, allowing you to action the information that is in front of you.

Parameters can be added to your dashboards, allowing information across all GIs to be filtered based on the parameter. The added benefit of setting up detailed GIs, dashboards, and parameters is that you can publish this information out to various reporting tools. Odata can push your data out to Excel, Power BI, other reporting tools or even the MYOB Acumatica mobile app. Having this data available in real-time gives you the chance to action this information from anywhere, and at any time. 

One system or many

It is important to acknowledge that MYOB Acumatica may not be the only system you leverage to connect your business together. MYOB Acumatica exists as a platform; a base for your organisation to grow, bring in more modules and connected services as needed. There are many additional products that can be integrated into this platform, to support the functionality of MYOB Acumatica.

We investigated best-of-breed connected services, like eveXso, Phocas, and Velixo and how they can leverage Real-Time Insights from MYOB Acumatica. eveXso is a warehouse management system that helps with picking, packing and bin management. It extends MYOB Acumatica’s warehousing capability, allowing you to be more accurate and efficient. It passes data through your warehouse in real-time so everyone is up to date on the status of orders and can act accordingly.

Velixo is an Excel-based reporting tool that is integrated with MYOB Acumatica. It is an incredibly popular solution to improve your reporting with MYOB Acumatica. You are able to drill through the numbers in your spreadsheet, straight back to the original data in MYOB Acumatica. Velixo also has writeback capability, so that your work in Velixo is always kept up to date in your single source of truth – MYOB Acumatica. Leverage your existing Excel skills to create huge efficiencies, above and beyond what you can do with a manual Excel spreadsheet.

Phocas is a web-based business intelligence and analytics tool, that can extend what you are able to accomplish with MYOB Exo in your business. It can be used by anyone in the organisation, to dig deeper into your data. Phocas allows you to track budgets at any time throughout the month, diving into details around customer accounts, salespeople, and products. This can highlight areas of strength or weakness, allowing you to respond to these opportunities in real-time and giving you a head start against your competition.

Thank-you to All Involved

Above all, the MYOB Acumatica User Groups are a chance for the users and experts to share their insights and keep you informed about updates, features, and Business Process Improvement news. We hope that by leveraging Real-Time Insights from your MYOB Acumatica system that you will become more agile and responsive in your ever-changing markets.

We would like to thank our sponsors Kilimanjaro Consulting, Enprise Solutions, Phocas, and Velixo for their support in making these events happen, as well as acknowledge the input from MYOB.

Do not miss out on any of these valuable, free events in the future. Make sure you receive our exclusive early invitations by subscribing to our newsletter. For any other queries contact us here.

If your business is evolving and you are looking for more sophisticated ERP solutions, consider engaging with our consultants for a Business Process Improvement project. Their industry best practice methodology begins with a COVID-safe, on-site visit to collaborate and identify your own goals and objectives. They can advise the appropriate ERP solution for your business as well as recommend any Connected Services that can be integrated with your system to ensure your processes are being completed efficiently. Kilimanjaro Consulting is the leading implementer of MYOB ERP solutions in Australia, and Enprise Solutions is the leading implementer of MYOB ERP solutions in New Zealand.

If you wish to get in touch with Kilimanjaro Consulting, you can call 1300 857 464, or email sales@k-c.com.au. If you wish to get in touch with Enprise Solutions, you can call 0800 436 774 or email info@enprise.com.